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#1 Fair Chance
Hiring Platform

With over 5 million monthly searches, our platform directly connects you with the justice-impacted workforce.
Working on Stairs

Trusted by these employers and 1,500+ more:

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Fair Chance Recruiting Service

How it works: our expert team collaborates closely with you to understand your hiring needs, concerns, and constraints. We then showcase your job openings on our Fair Chance Job Board, which receives over 5 million monthly job searches. These searches stem from our extensive partnerships with the Department of Corrections, probation, parole, and numerous non-profits.

As fair-chance candidates apply through our platform, our recruiters conduct thorough screenings to ensure their qualifications, reliable transportation, and alignment with your job requirements. We only recommend the highest-quality candidates for your consideration.

Once you hire one of our recommended candidates, we provide ongoing assistance to ensure a seamless onboarding process and successful retention. If, for any reason, the candidate doesn't work out within the first 90 days, we will provide a replacement, free of charge. It's that simple.

You can view/download a proposal here and a sample contract here


If you have questions you can email us at:

Fair Chance Job Board

Honest Jobs' Fair Chance Job Board connects employers with talented justice-involved individuals seeking meaningful employment opportunities. When fair-chance employers post their jobs on Honest Jobs, they can instantly reach our extensive network of over 127,000 justice-involved job seekers, ensuring their job postings receive maximum visibility and engagement.


Our free plan allows employers to post up to two jobs and the ability to search our candidate database, providing a cost-effective solution for those looking to fill open roles while supporting fair chance hiring initiatives. For employers seeking additional features and benefits, our paid plans offer a range of options, including more job postings, priority placement in search results, inclusion in marketing emails and campaigns, seamless integration with applicant tracking systems, and proactive outreach to community corrections and reentry organizations in areas where jobs are posted.

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Our Talent Network

We've established a national network of non-profits who refer their justice-involved clients to us so that we can help them find jobs faster. Not only does this feed our large pipeline of talent, but these organizations often provide additional services to help job seekers succeed.

In addition to our non-profit partners, we work with over a thousand Probation and Parole departments across the country.

ur "Pre-Release" app is also available on tablets and computers in jails and prisons across the country. Although the currently incarcerated cannot actually apply, these individuals return to Honest Jobs immediately after their release to find employment with one of our fair-chance employers.


Matching Technology

The Equal Opportunity Employment Commission provides guidelines for assessing if a criminal record should disqualify a candidate for employment. This is done by comparing the nature of a candidate's criminal history with the nature of the job duties. 

Each job seeker has voluntarily disclosed their criminal legal record, which enables us to automatically run an analysis, and apply these guidelines once you provide a job description. You can see our analysis and make adjustments if our recommendation does not perfectly match your policy.

Although we will never share information about a candidate's criminal legal history, our technology will help ensure you receive more applications from candidates you can hire and less applications from candidates you are likely unable to hire. This helps our job seekers find employment up to eight times faster.
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